Study Groups

Participation in all study group activities is open to the entire guild. The study group concept permits in-depth exploration of more narrowly focused fiber related subjects. Study group topics are suggested by the members, and their interests determine the offerings from year to year. The meeting time and place of each group changes yearly.

Please send email to [email protected] to get details for any of the groups listed below.

Wild and Wonderful Weavers (WWW)

WWW meets in the evenings on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. The meetings are at the Champaign Public Library. There are planned evening programs and sharing of currents projects with discussion of both successes and issues. Weavers of all levels of expertise are welcome to join the Weaving Study group.

Spinning Study Groups

There are two study groups for spinners. Spinners of all levels of expertise are welcome at both meetings.

The Friday spinning group, which meets on the 3rd Friday of every month from 1-3pm. The focus is on helping beginning spinners but all spinners are welcome.

The Saturday spinning group currently does not have a regular meeting. The topics and locations of the Saturday spinning group meetings are announced in the newsletter each month.

Knitting Study Group

The Knitting Study Group meeting are to be determined. This is a relaxed environment for sharing currents projects as well as an open forum for discussion of both successes and issues. Knitters of all levels of expertise are welcome!